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- CIDIT | Grupo Petroquimico Beta
OUR PLANT MAIN SITE CENTER FOR RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION (CIDIT) The CIDIT is a fundamental piece of service to our clients since one of Beta's greatest strengths is the development of its own technology. At CIDIT we develop products tailored to the needs of our clients based on the following concepts: Technology development for new products. New product scale up to industrial level. Development of formulations for specific applications. Technical support to our clients. © 2020 Grupo Petroquímico Beta
- Contract Manufacturing | Grupo Petroquímico Beta
MAIN SITE CONTRACT MANUFACTURING Grupo Petroquimico Beta (“GPB”) has the infrastructure that is required for Contract Manufacturing of products to the exact specifications of clients. Products produced under contract manufacturing arrangement are mainly, but not exclusively, derivatives of ethylene/propylene oxide. GPB has substantial experience in Contract Manufacturing of diverse products, in the area of ethylene/propylene oxide derivatives, for large Multinational Corporations with excellent results for both parties. In order to ensure that the products produced under a Contract Manufacturing structure comply with the client’s technology as well as all of its quality standards, Beta has a fully staffed unit for Research, Development and Technological Innovation (“CIDIT”) . Verification of the technology of every client and validation of the fulfillment of all their requirements begins by producing pilot size samples. The major advantages of the Contract Manufacturing with Beta are the following: All Contract Manufacturing processes are made under strict NDA agreements to protect legal, technological and market aspects of the products being produced. Technological validation and implementation of products prior to industrial size escalation. Direct access to GPB’s process certification (ISO9001-2015, GMP’s , among others). Production startup immediately after client approval of laboratory samples. Supply of raw materials as specified by the contract (Beta can supply the ethylene oxide, among others). Economies of scale are passes through to the client. Provides economies for cyclical products. Optimizes costs and the handling of inventories. Provides on a continuous basis the availability of highly trained personnel. Does not require investment in highly specialized equipment. . Fully conversant in dealing with multinational corporations © 2020 Grupo Petroquímico Beta
- Filosofía corporativa | Grupo Petroquímico Beta
SITIO PRINCIPAL FILOSOFÍA CORPORATIVA MISIÓN: SER EL PROMOTOR DEL CAMBIO Y LA MEJORA CONTINUA EN: La industria de las especialidades químicas: por nuestra capacidad para innovar en materia de productos y procesos. Los mercados en los que operamos: por nuestro alcance global y prácticas de servicio al cliente sobresalientes. El desarrollo del talento y crecimiento que brindamos a nuestros empleados. Responsabilidad social: por nuestro compromiso con el desarrollo de la calidad de vida y la ecología de las comunidades en las que operamos. Nos enfocamos en la investigación de tecnologías que aprovechen los derivados del petróleo para desarrollar y producir especialidades químicas que maximicen el valor para nuestros clientes, accionistas, empleados, proveedores y la comunidad. VISIÓN: ESTAMOS COMPROMETIDOS CON LA INNOVACIÓN PRINCIPIOS Enfoque al cliente. Liderazgo. Participación del personal. Enfoque basado en procesos. Enfoque de sistema para la gestión. Mejora continua. Enfoque basado en hechos para la toma de decisión. Relaciones mutuamente beneficiosas con el proveedor. © 2020 Grupo Petroquímico Beta
- Market list | Grupo Petroquimico Beta
MAIN SITE COMPLETE MARKET LIST For more information about the reach and capabilities of our products, please contact us . CEMENT Grinding aids Air-entraining agents Air-detraining admixtures Quality improvement (strength-enhancing admixtures) Air inclusors Defoamers / antifoaming agents Setting additives PERSONAL CARE & HOME Emollients Solubilizers Emulsifiers Humectants Dispersants Neutralizers Pearling and Opalescence agents Thickeners METAL WORKING Low foam dispersants Lub oils AGRO Humectants Dispersants Emulsifiers Penetrants Adjuvant PAINTINGS & INKS Humectants Rheology modifiers Emulsifiers Solubilizers Solvents Neutralizers TEXTILES PH Modifiers Dispersants and Emulsifiers ADHESIVES Solvents Humectants RUBBER Demolding agents Emulsifiers Humectants © 2020 Grupo Petroquímico Beta
- Grupo Petroquímico Beta
- Product Line Catalogue | Grupo Petroquimico Beta
MAIN SITE PRODUCT LINE CATALOGUE Here you can see our complete product line catalogue, which is also available to download. For more information about our products, please contact us . © 2020 Grupo Petroquímico Beta
- Certificaciones | Grupo Petroquímico Beta
OUR PLANT SITIO PRINCIPAL CERTIFICACIONES Bajo nuestro Sistema de Gestión de Calidad contamos con las siguientes certificaciones y grados de productos: ISO 9001 : 2015 GMPs (Grado Cosmético) Kosher REACH Grado NF GMPs Grado Farma en implementación *Para más información sobre nuestras certificaciones & reconocimientos, favor de contactárnos . © 2020 Grupo Petroquímico Beta
- Certifications | Grupo Petroquimico Beta
OUR PLANT MAIN SITE CERTIFICATIONS Under our Quality Management System we have the following certifications and product grades: ISO 9001 : 2015 GMPs (Cosmetic level.) Kosher REACH NF Grade GMPs Implementation in pharma level. *For more information about our certifications, please contact us . © 2020 Grupo Petroquímico Beta
- Main Site | Grupo Petroquímico Beta
PRODUCTS & MARKETS ABOUT US PHILOSOPHY CONTACT ESPAÑOL LIVING CHEMISTRY WE TRANSFORM CHEMISTRY INTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR OUR CLIENTS, IN HARMONY WITH THE COMMUNITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE PRODUCTS & MARKETS OUR PRODUCTS. SEE PRODUCT LINE CATALOGUE SOLVENTS More information about this product. Pentanes Isopentanes n-Hexane and Iso-hexanes mixtures Learn more about our contract manufacturing capabilities here. MARKETS. VIEW COMPLETE LIST CEMENT Grinding aids Air-entraining agents Air-detraining admixtures Quality improvement (strength-enhancing admixtures) Air inclusors Defoamers/antifoaming agents Setting additives ABOUT US. Grupo Petroquímico Beta (GPB) is a Mexican Company chartered in 2005 for the refining of light hydrocarbons (solvents) and the manufacture of alkoxylates and their specialties GPB, via its in-house know-how, has ample proficiency in the design, construction and operation of alkoxylation plants, including the programming of the production software which makes it unique in the industry. The location of the plant, in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, between both of PEMEX’S petrochemical sites enhances security since it allows the solvents to be transported via pipeline and the ethylene oxide via railroad (1.5 miles). GPB is unique at its own Research, Development, and Innovation laboratory to assist clients in their efforts to create and develop their products to introduce them into the market. Also, GPB has the technical infrastructure that is required for Contract Manufacturing of highly specialized ethylene/propylene oxide derivatives while guaranteeing the fulfillment of all the technical specifications and quality standards required by clients. Production capability and high safety standards are of paramount importance as attested by the Good Manufacturing Practices constatation of all fabrication processes together with high safety standards internationally recognized. GPB has received various grants and awards from Governmental Institutions and clients for its excellence in innovation, safety and logistic service to clients. CERTIFICATIONS OUR PLANT CIDIT ABOUT US find our more about our corporate philosophy PHILOSOPHY CONTACT US. ADDRESS Periférico Sur #4194 Colonia Jardines del Pedregal Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón Mexico City, C.P. 01900 Mexico PHONE +52 [55] 5652.7675 Specific contact: Job & talent recruitment Goods and service suppliers Interested in buying alkoxylates and esters Interested in buying pentanes and hexanes CONTACT © 2020 Grupo Petroquímico Beta
- Competitive Advantage | Grupo Petroquímico Beta
OUR PLANT MAIN SITE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE The reasons why Grupo Petroquímico Beta can be your best ally. QUALITY Our products are consistently the highest quality in the market. CERTIFICATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS Our certifications and recognitions represent the high quality and standards of the products and services we offer. More about our certifications and recognitions. PRICE Highly competitive prices for all our product lines. RESEARCH LABORATORY In our Research, Development and Technological Innovation Center we have the ability to develop our own technology of products and processes, ensuring the application of the highest quality. APPLICATION LABORATORY It allows us to interact with our clients, both to develop products related to their production processes and to simulate the impact of our products on clients' products. We develop products tailored to the client, according to the functions and / or applications they require. CUSTOMER SERVICE We fully comply with the delivery dates, deadlines and conditions set with our clients. LOGISTICS We consistently obtain the best transport conditions for our clients. REACH CERTIFICATION With the authorization to export to Europe, plus our exports to the rest of the world, we have the status of "Global Supplier". TEAM EXPERIENCE Our management, operations, laboratory and plant team have more than 30 years of experience in the field. © 2020 Grupo Petroquímico Beta
- Nuestra planta | Grupo Petroquímico Beta
OUR PLANT SITIO PRINCIPAL NUESTRA PLANTA Ubicada entre los complejos de PEMEX productores de Óxido de etileno, Beta cuenta con una localización que facilita una excelente logística. Alejada de zonas pobladas, el transporte de OE no pone en riesgo a la población. De forma permanente es abastecida de diversas materias primas por ducto desde PEMEX. © 2020 Grupo Petroquímico Beta
- Our plant | Grupo Petroquimico Beta
MAIN SITE MAIN SITE OUR PLANT Located among the PEMEX sites producing ethylene oxide, Beta has a location that facilitates excellent logistics. Away from populated areas, the ethylene oxide transport does not put the population at risk. Supply of several raw materials by pipeline from PEMEX sites. © 2020 Grupo Petroquímico Beta